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2 Replies

Hi guys, when I tried to design my modules through the web form operation. (add model,and views) In openErp7,views can be only added by the "copy" function.One can never add any views through the "views management" menu(which I guess is a bug of version 7.0-20130308-002138)

And it turned out that both tree view and form view can be added this way while the calendar view won't work. I can't figure out where the problem lies.

model fields x_startDate(date) x_endDate(date) x_title(char) x_content(char) x_user(many2one)

calendar view xml: <calendar string="Scheduled Actions" date_start="x_startDate" color="x_user"> <field name="x_title"/> <field name="x_content"/> </calendar>

everything seems ok except that the button for switching to the calender view does not show up.

could anybody help me ?


Have you tried entering Developper's mode (Upper right corner: About OpenERP --> Activate Developper's mode) and taking a look at the views through "Manage Views"?

Best Answer


you can edit view_mode field directly from settings-- >action -- >window action add calender with tree,form like ex :tree,form,calender in your module action

and if module is new then just add calender with tree,form in view_mode field in action view of your model then your action should be like this:

                <record id="your_action_id" model="ir.actions.act_window">
                <field name="name">your model</field>
                <field name="res_model">your.model</field>
                <field name="view_type">form</field>
                <field name="view_mode">tree,form,calendar</field>


Best Answer

Did you add calendar in view_mode in action?

Like this:


Go to Settings / Actions / Window Actions then search for your action and open from view. Add calendar in View Mode field as shown in image.

image description


Agree with Sudhir. This will work for sure.