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2 Replies

I write an Quotation and send it by email.

After the order by the customer, the sales order confirmation should be sent to him (with manufactoring delivery date).

The same applies to orders to the supplier.

How to confirmation send by Email?

It is important to see this in the order history.


Not that I know the answer but to clarify the question "you wish to have a step between issuing a sales order OR purchase order, where the order has to be confirmed"? - I think the place you need to be changing things is in the "workflow" - not related but you may get some clues here -


Yes, I think it needs to be added to the workflow, but unfortunately I do not know the commands. How do I create the button? (yes I have to read and learn).

Best Answer

I think the possibility to send a confirmation by email is in v7. This is from sale.order.form:

                        <button name="action_quotation_send" string="Send by Email" type="object" states="draft" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
                        <button name="action_quotation_send" string="Send by Email" type="object" states="sent,progress,manual" groups="base.group_user"/>

BUT the second button, the one that would do the trick, does not show in the view. Would be great if someone could explain why that is?

Best Answer

I also like an answer on this..


Hi Mats, your interest is not an answer, it must be written in a comment. Others might think this question have a answer.

Great answer!