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2 Replies

BACKGROUND:  We have several successful Odoo installations running on single-server instances, but are looking at rolling out a deployment of Odoo Community on a multi-server stack sitting behind a load balancer and are seeking advice and best-practices on doing so. 

Initially, I had wanted to title this post "How to set the path for all user-uploaded files", but then realised that 1) this title doesn't give enough information about what we're trying to achieve and 2) while we may get correct answers, our overall methodology has not been peer reviewed.

EXAMPLE:  We envision multiple servers sitting behind a load balancer, with the Odoo application files mirrored across each and any media and/or other resource files (images, uploads, etc) being uploaded-to and served-from block storage.

QUESTIONS:  To boil everything down, our questions are:

  1. Is the architecture described above even possible with Odoo, and if so, how would we go about modifying where Odoo keeps its resource files (web-stuff mostly)?

  2. If the above architecture isn't possible or feasible in Odoo, are there any other alternatives for getting Odoo off of a single-server environment?

Thanks for your time everyone, and I look forward to your replies and comments.



Best Answer

Here are slides and corresponding video from Olivier Dony (Odoo's SaaS Engineer). It's  about Performance but talk also about load balancing architecture (see 5 and 6 slide for a quick preview).

Best Answer

Hi Todd, did you get anywhere with this using Odoo?  I'm currently running a single db server, but a load balanced front-end, and looking to expand this further.


See my post above

Hi Xavier,

I’m already as far as that, but there’s not much detail regarding suitable back end replication options which will work with Odoo to create a highly available and extendable SaaS type environment.

All of the slides for Odoo and load balancing only ever show a single back end server, and never the kind of configuration required for viable HA, which many would want in a production environment.

Many thanks,

On 8 Jan 2018, at 23:10, Xavier Brochard <> wrote:

See my post above

Xavier Brochard

Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo.

You can easily replicate the backend server. O. Dony explain it during the conf.

For Saas deployments look at the extensible docs .from Ivan Yelizariev: Start at