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i'll try to explain this as best i can.

on the GTK-client I am able to see "Group By" buttons, search fields, etc. However on the web interface I cannot see the "buttons" or pulldown menus, only the search bar.

This is true for all search views, "Partners", "Products", etc. I am trying to view product prices based on price lists, but the price list pulldown/search menu/field is not available.

Anybody know how i can get these buttons to show on the web interface?


You can modify search view for that and add pricelist in group by.


thank you for the reply.

i understand that you can add this to the search view, however i believe it is already there... this is what the view code is looking like: (i'll post on a separate comment, not enough characters)


<?xml version="1.0"?> <search string="Product"> <field name="name" string="Product" filter_domain="['|',('name','ilike',self),('default_code','ilike',self)]"/> <filter string="Services" icon="terp-accessories-archiver" domain="[('type','=','service')]"/> <filter string="Consumable" name="consumable" icon="terp-accessories-archiver" domain="[('type','=','consu')]" help="Consumable products"/> <separator/> <filter string="Can be Sold" name="filter_to_sell" icon="terp-accessories-archiver-minus" domain="[('sale_ok','=',1)]"/> <field name="categ_id"/> <group expand="0" string="Context..."> ...


<field name="pricelist_id" context="{'pricelist': self}" groups="product.group_sale_pricelist"/> <field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company"/> </group> <group expand="0" string="Group by..."> <filter string="Category" icon="terp-stock_symbol-selection" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'categ_id'}"/> <filter string="Default Unit of Measure" icon="terp-mrp" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'uom_id'}"/> <filter string="Type" icon="terp-stock_symbol-selection" domain="[]" context="{'group_by' : 'type'}"/> <filter string="Company" icon="terp-go-home" domain="[]" context="{'group_


by' : 'company_id'}" groups="base.group_multi_company"/> </group> </search>


this is true for all search views... the "group_by" buttons, pulldown menus, and other search fields are viewable on the GTK-client, however on the web client none of them are viewable. i noticed this is true on the demo platform on the OpenERP web page.

is there some option that needs to be activated for these to show?