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2 Replies

In odoo v9,  I'm having a problem with long lines sale order, sales order over 500 lines hang outs and with a litle luck finish confirming the order after 20 minutes computing, after that on stock.picking validation, it also take too long...
Server hardware dell power edge, xeon 16 core 16 gb ram.

Is odoo capable of handling long lines sales orders ?

Postgres config file:

# DB Version: 9.6
# OS Type: linux
# DB Type: web
# Total Memory (RAM): 8 GB
# CPUs num: 4
# Data Storage: hdd

max_connections = 200
shared_buffers = 2GB
effective_cache_size = 6GB
maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.7
wal_buffers = 16MB
default_statistics_target = 100
random_page_cost = 4
effective_io_concurrency = 2
work_mem = 5242kB
min_wal_size = 1GB
max_wal_size = 2GB
max_worker_processes = 4
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2

odoo config file:

workers = 8 
limit_memory_hard = 3355443200 limit_memory_soft = 1258291200
limit_request = 8192 limit_time_cpu = 600 limit_time_real = 1200 max_cron_threads = 1

Best Answer

Hi! We're you able to fix this problem? I am now experiencing this very same issue.

Best Answer

First of all, You need to check what makes the confirmation process so slow. 
For that, you may refer to a very useful module developed by Smile Open source called smile_perf_analyzer
You can refer to its 11.0 version for Configuration as it is well explained there. 
P.S : some extra tips for your case:

1- User : choose the user who does the action of order confirmation     

2- In Methods, add the confirmation function. 

3- models : sale order

4- select Profile python methods and SQL requests in order to view all the changes that happen while confirming your order.

Now, log in with the user mentioned, confirm your order, Check the logs that the modules mentions.

You can get the number of queries that are being called. You 'll get hints of what really makes your process so slow and probably get ideas to improve your code.

Waiting to hear from you.
Thumps up if this helps.
