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I would like to place an image in QWEB report that stretches right to the ends of the page on both sides . I tried setting Left and Right page margins to 0 in the Paper Format, but even then there is a small white space left on either side. Does any one know how this can be done?

Best Answer

For that you need to extend the report layout minimal_layout to control when the report body needs the container class or not, because that is the responsible for that issue or requirement that you have. You could do something like this:

<template id="custom_minimal_layout" inherit_id="report.minimal_layout">

<xpath="//body" position="replace">

<t t-set="need_container" t-value="False"/>

<body class="container" onload="subst()" t-if="need_container">

<t t-raw="body"/>


<body onload="subst()" t-if="not need_container">

<t t-raw="body"/>




Make sure to provide a valid condition to set the need_container var a True/False value when it's a normal report that need the container class or not. This was an example, you could do the same with t-attf-class and related but it's less clear for the example. The template "report.minimal_layout"  is directly used by  the report model get_html method. 



This is great, thanks Axel. But could you please tell me a little bit more about the condition i.e. what condition to use to dynamically set it as True / False depending on the report?

Is there any possibility to do only for header. we do need container for body