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2 Replies

Hello Support,

I am playing with version 7.0 and want to see how to customize the Kanban under Product list.

But I don't see links to add or remove fields from the kanban view, like the one release notes show.

Am I missing any setup parameter?

Thanks in advance.


anyone? i was hoping it was an easy answer...

Can you clarify what links you are talking about and what part of the release note you refer to. (provide screenshot or link)


Thanks for responding.

The release notes are published at: (link text) and it is point 2.3

on my end i dont have create new column or edit button.

I want to edit products kanban view.


Best Answer

If you don't have access to the buttons "Add a new column" and "Edit" (in the drop-down list, it can only be explained by access rights. You should retry when logged as an administrator to troubleshoot if the problem is an access right configuration. You can also test this functionality on because it works there.


Thanks for feedback, I am logged in as Admin, please can you guide me to "Access Rights" section.

Settings > Users > Users > Access Rights tab ; as well as Settings > Technical > Security


both check => result no good.


did not see any option to enable the feature; most of the options are checked. Still no luck.

Best Answer

Hey man! I ran into the same issue.. there seem to be a couple of things at play here. 

If you look at how Notes and the CRM lead is designed youw ill notice 2 ways of grouping the "Columns"

one is by overriding the read_group method as seen in Notes and the other by using

_group_by_full = {

'grouping name': _read_group_stage_ids


Now, OpenERP magically relies on the definition of these two separate ways of gathering the needed data for kanban views.

Explicitly what you need to have is the field you want to group by exactly match the model field in the xml view def:

<record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_sodancasync_files_kanban">
      <field name="name">sodancasync.files.kanban</field>
      <field name="model">sodancasync.files</field>
      <field name="arch" type="xml">
        <kanban default_group_by="folder" >*******this is where you specify what to group by******* this relies on the mentioned above.. if there are discrepancies the "Add new column" will not show up nor will the header names.

          <field name="name"/>
          <field name="folder"/>
            <t t-name="kanban-box">


Furthermore the data returned by read_group or _read_group_stage_ids is very specific. I cant say there were any direct instructions nor charts to follow, but i was able to accomplish what you seek by reverse engineering Notes and CRM Opportunities aka crm_lead. Good luck!
