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Good evening I can not run the double validation. Here's what I did

 From the state ***confirmed***, I have 3 transitions: one that leads to the ***validated*** state. the second  to the ***refused*** state and the third to the ***first validation*** state (fisrt_validation).
 If the user who must make the ***first validation*** logs and ***clicks***  on the button  ***approve*** to move the request from  ***confirmed*** state to  the ***first_validation*** state , nothing happens. The request remains in state ***confirmed***. At least at the status bar, the ***second validation*** state  is still not selected.
 **NB**: I have created two roles in human resources: a project manager and  a responsible. These are project managers who are empowered to make the ***first validation*** and responsible for ***final approval***.
 Managers can also validate the request without a **first validation**.
 Only from the ***confirmed*** state, if a manager tries to validate nothing happens. Ditto for project managers. The request remains in state ***confirmed***.

I also have a problem with navigation between the states.

 I added a transition from state  ***confirmed*** to draft  state
 At this transition I have appointed ***corrected*** signal
 I added a button that when clicked will get the workflow to ***draft*** status. This button has the same name as the  ***corrected*** signal.
 When I click this button, the holiday remains at the  ***confirmed*** state  then he had to go to the ***draft*** state.

What can I do?
