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7 Replies

Hi, I tested importing data in csv form with a module that i created The module works but i have this error when i try to import data wtih csv extension: Uncaught an exception occurred in a caller-provided callback function

any idea please


i have a problem like that yesterday. I cant import product, vendor and customer. I use #Odoo9.

In #Odoo9, we have the template product in menu Setting > Implementation > Accounting > Configuration Company > Your Product.

But, i can't import product with this template. So, I go to import page ( Purchasing > Product ) change view product to list product. And there is Frequently Asked Question, go to Questions What's the difference between Database ID and External ID? And in the details you can download csv template categories and product. I use the csv product to import file, and it works :)

Best Answer

i have the same problem. 
At first, i am importing the .xls file from odoo template (customer.xls) and the result is that. Then i save as the file as .csv and import again, and same as the first.


i have a problem like that yesterday. I cant import product, vendor and customer. I use #Odoo9.

In #Odoo9, we have the template product in menu Setting > Implementation > Accounting > Configuration Company > Your Product.

But, i can't import product with this template. So, I go to import page ( Purchasing > Product ) change view product to list product. And there is Frequently Asked Question, go to Questions What's the difference between Database ID and External ID? And in the details you can download csv template categories and product. I use the csv product to import file, and it works :)

Best Answer

What is the version of your openERP? When appears the error before or after the field selection (if you have openERPv7)? Are you sure of the name of the field in the CSV file?


i work in openerp 7,the error appears after the field selection.I just import a csv with 2 fields

Have you tried validating the CSV file through the web interface import?

I've gotten the same problem.

Same problem, usually when importing subitens (such as several itens on quotations order)

Best Answer

This problem is usually solved by splitting the import into smaller number of record like 1000.
