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2 Replies

Hi, I am brand new to Odoo. I am using bitanmi aws stack with odoo v12. 

I'm trying to get the POS module to work but whenever I clcik on the payment method and validate, it gives me the no receivable error. I've read on these forums to add "full invoice features" in developer mode. I also read to add "property_account_recievable" but neither fixed the issue. Note: property_account_receivable had no value in it. Maybe that's the problem? What value do I put in? 

Pretty much, is there a clear step by step guide on starting the POS module? The user docs don't explain this problem and neither do the hour long videos on odoo's YouTube channel. How do I make this dang module work? 

Best Answer

If you don't want full chart of accounts to be installed, define a receivable account.

Then in Settings->Technical->Parameters->Company Properties add a new record 

Name : property_account_receivable_id

Field: Account Receivable (res.partner)

Value :account.account,2                  //here 2 is the id of record(Receivable account) you created before

Type : Many2one

Best Answer

Probably here the issue with Chart of Account. Make sure you have installed valid chart of accounts. You must have to set account receivable account in property otherwise on all partners(including admin) manually you have to set the accounts.

Best practice, set proper Country while creating a new database and/or set proper country in Company info. (basically, this will install related chart of accounts automatically)
