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2 Replies



We are having our servers hosted in USA and they have just given us rights to uploda website on their server.. They have given us a package where we can select relevant databse and can upload files. But..


We are not allowed to use wget or any source to download openerp7 just we need to install it the other way


is it possible to instlal openerp7 manually obtain its setup files and install from interface or directly from server or anything related?


Thanks a lot


can you upload files to that server?


Yes I can But which files to upload please guide for openerp7

run this command in your local system,, then upload that file to server., please update me if prob get solved


sure but which command?


please update me if prob get solved...


I know this wget command See in my question..wget is not allowed

Baiju, as Mazhar pointed out, if you can upload files to the server, you need to get the installation files unto your local computer and then upload it to the server.


Yes Thats what me saying John and Baiju But which files do i need? debian packages? or which files and from where nightly or github?and then how can I install them or update them on server? Thanks

If you are using the server for production, my advise is not to use nightly version. You can either use the github version (no installation required, but some setup is needed) or the deb version (will be behind the github version though it will have installation and setup script to be executed). On upgrading, if you can install git in the server (not sure if you can do this because apt uses wget) or if git is already available in the server, you can just do a git clone from github (hopefully you have https access to outside world). This will ease your upgrade path as you can just do a git fetch/update. But if that is not an option, then you'll need to repeat the process of downloading-uploading-installing/setup again if you decided to upgrade.


Oh John.Dat I was loking for..Thanks so much for your kind support.. I will surely have a look at git and github and will keep you posted n updated for sure if I get problem Thanks again..

if you can exec .SH files , go to : and select linux version ,and run the .sh file after the download completed . after that go to githup and download odoo now copy odoo fiels which downloaded from hithup to any directory . open terminal and run which founded in the odoo directory . example : python /opt/odoo/odoo-server/ maybe you will find some moduels are missing , install them one by one and don't forget to edit configuration file to setup the postgress connection . configuration file path : odoo/odoo-server/debian/openerp-server.conf regards


Thanks Moayad..But ther is no .sh file over there after I get an installed folder from can you please help me in this?

Best Answer

Dear Mazhar,

Try this if you have terminal root access :: Add this apt repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list file

  • deb ./

    Then type:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install odoo

This is what we did on a VPS server, choosing Ubuntu. Also the solution mentioned by me is for latest version and I would recommend you install latest rather than 7.0

Best Answer


Thx Madura but your pos again using wget for getting its setup files,, which we can not use.. see above i my question.. Thanks