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Hello Odoo community,

I was wondering is it possible that let say i have 2 fields res_partner_id which is many2one and phone_numbers which is selection.

so if i change res_partner_id it will populate my phone_numbers list. OR onchange phone_numbers selection but selection will be populated based on res_partner_id. On Openerp version 7

On version 8 it looks something like this but how do i the same on version 7?

 name = fields.Selection(selection='_get_selection' string='name')

def _get_selection(self):
     choise = []
     ret_ids = self.env['env'].search([])
     for amen_id in ret_ids:
     return choise

Any examples and Ideas would be appreciated

Thank you,

Best Answer

Selection fields won't be able to change it's value using onchange, switch to a many2one if you wanna do it where you could apply a domain to the field restricting the values to select. With selection fields you can't do that
