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On Odoo V10 Enterprise, I have used the studio app to create a new field in the slides app named 'x_relatedcustomer' for both the list & form views (website admin -> slides -> slides). This field is a many2one field, and it is related to res.partner. This allows me to select partners in a drop down menu which is how I am trying to associate a specific slide with a specific customer. 

How do I make the website only show a slide on the partner channel if the currently logged in = x_relatedcustomer ?
Can I restrict the slide to all users associated with a company? I.E if x_relatedcustomer = company && user in company then they can see it. 

This is less important, but how could I create a new tab in the portal view of the website? For example, I want a new tab that lists all of the slides that are associated with that customer. If the customer clicks an item on the list it would take them to that slide on the website. 

I am novice to this so the more detail the better. 

Thanks for any help



Would something like t-if="not slide.website_published and website.user_id == slide.x_relatedcustomer work if placed in the website html?