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2 Replies

Hello all ,

I have upgraded a module on a Odoo Server. Once the upgrade is complete , There is a login issue . Users cannot enter into the Odoo system  , the page redirects .

The error message on the web console shows : net::err_too_many_redirects.

One thing I would like some help understanding is the sudden change of url for example : , always goes to 

The en_GB at the end of the site may be the reason users cannot login . When I roll back  back to a previous state  the en_GB is removed from the web url.

I have also pull the latest odoo source down , so again I am not sure if this may be the issue .

solutions tried

  • cleared cache

  • removed website module

  • restarted the Odoo server with -u all and -d database

  • removed custom code that inherited website module

has any come across this problem or  has any tips into to solve this ?

Best Answer

I have this issue on the POS, I noticed that I have enabled the printing option ( print on network printer). The thing I have missed was not putting the IP of the printer. 

I went back to the POS configuration and just unchecked the feature 

That's makes the POS open properly and works fine

Best Answer

This Because The Cookies is Disabled .

check Your Browser settings ===> Enable Cookies  And it will be Fine .
