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Odoo 13 Community:

I'm trying to style an mass mail in Email Marketing and I've included a style tag to import a font:

<style class="o_default_snippet_text">
    @import url(';display=swap');

And it works just fine as I create the mailing, but as soon as I click "save", that tag is stripped.

How do I prevent it from being stripped?

I tried things like:

class MassMailing(models.Model):
    _inherit = "mailing.mailing"
    body_html = fields.Html(string='Body converted to be send by mail', sanitize_attributes=False, sanitize_tags=False, santitize_style=False)

But to no avail.

Any ideas?
Best Answer

I would be interested in that too.

I have to say that mass mail editor (at least for community edition) is quite bad. In my experience you can't create any professional email using that so its good only for text mails.

I hope that in future someone will evaluate to use GrapeJS or similar tools to improve it, otherwise will be a nice module but used only for very standard communications.
