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Please help. Today I am getting a no handler found error on openerp7. The log file is telling me this:

openerp.modules.module: couldn't load module web openerp.modules.module: [Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp, '/var/tmp, '/usr/tmp', '/opt/openerp']

I have checked the above directories and usr/tmp is saying directory does not exist, however if i try to mkdir usr/tmp it tells me access denied, hidden system file

Could it just be a full temp directory? if so ho does one clear it? How does one increase the size so this does not occur again? Is it safe to clear it or ill it create problems for openerp?


Author Best Answer

Hi again

I did a reboot on the server and the error is no more. I am not sure what that means but perhaps the tmp directory was affected by restarting

It seems that the ISP was also having trouble with their hosted servers so maybe that was the cause, however i doubt that as it seemed internal to Linux

