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2 Replies

Hi, I'm using openerp V7. I am trying to use the need action mechanism which would show the no. of pending action on the menu. But i don't understand how to integrate it with the menu. I inherited the class and implemented the override method as it was documented. but i have no idea what to do next?

Best Answer


to make a need action your model must inherit from ir.needaction_mixin and add a _needaction_domain_get method

class MyModel(osv.Model):
    _name = 'my.model'
    _inherit = [

    def _needaction_domain_get(self, cr, uid, context=None):
        return `a domain on this model`
Best Answer

Hi Chaudhuri and Jean-Sébastien!

thanks to both respectively for your question and your answer. But I need your help should I do if the same model is linked to many actions recorded with different domains? eg: an action for draft operations, and an action for done operations


I found a solution: def _needaction_domain_get(selft, cr, uid, context=None): return ['|',('state','=','draft'),('state','=','done')]

You should open a new question. In the function you can check the state, and use conditionals to return different domains depending on this state.

Hi, If you have different actions for same model then u need to assign domains on every action. Lets take an Example of class sale.order which has 2actions with same model in xml file-> sale_order_action1: domain[('state','in',['draft','cancel;'])] sale_order_action2: domain[('state','not in',['draft','cancel;'])] Now when you override needaction_domain_get method then based on 2domains you badge count will be shown on UI.If any doubts contact me - skype: shashank_verma00200