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2 Replies

I have a fresh install. Am getting this error:

Missing required value for the field 'name'. This might be 'Name' in the current model, or a field of the same name in an o2m. at row 2

If I choose the 2nd Listing of the field NAME, it will import. I don't understand why there are 2 NAMES here on a fresh RAW install. I am importing OpenERP 6.0.3 Data and otherwise this goes smoothly.

How to debug/Fix?

thank you,

Best Answer

Many of the Relation Fields use the same term like "Name", but they may be referring to other objects like the name of the partner while you are importing a product and trying to include a supplier and details about the product with that supplier.

The error could use to be more descriptive by specifying the exact object and field. But for now we just have to guess at it.

For example, if you import three products with no data for one of them in the seller_ids/name/id field, you will get this exact error for that row.

name         seller_ids/name/id
product1     __export__.res_partner_100
product3     __export__.res_partner_101

It seems that if you have the field seller_ids/name/id listed as something you want to import, it must be fully populated for each row.

From a User Experience standpoint, it would be better if this were not a required field.

To work with this as it is, simply remove the rows from your import if they don't have the seller_ids/name/id info available for that product. Then do another import of the those missing items without that field being imported.

Best Answer

Hello, the problem I had in the beginning. It's really confusing, if NAME is displayed twice. In an export-I then found out that well once the name for NAME Ptrodukttemplate and is used once for the label. NAME for template is the first in the list for the name of the second, which is required for the import. Why here, however, two of the same name for two different columns is used, is beyond my knowledge here, however. Maybe you could change that. Hope it helps.


Only one column is showing Name (the columns are based on the import .csv file). But in terms of the options for the field/column Name have the two entries and I have always to change to the second entry to get an import.

Yes, that's right. For the import you need in the list the second entry 'Name'. But I find it impractical and just beginning very confusing that you have to always choose. Whether in the CSV has only one column or two. Had both the column 'Name', and the product column template chosen for my export and both also used for import. When importing, however, the corresponding column will be automatically suggested. This works but also with any other import.