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I would like to run several instances of the openerp-server for example i would like to have the first database on webport:40169 the second database on webport 40269 so create a postgresql user for each database and start the instances with: ./server/openerp-server --xmlrpc-port=40169 --netrpc-port=40170 --addons-path=addons,web/addons -d first_db -r first_db_user

./server/openerp-server --xmlrpc-port=40269 --netrpc-port=40270 --addons-path=addons,web/addons -d second_db -r second_db_user

but i got error message: File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/", line 433, in borrow result = psycopg2.connect(dsn=dsn, connection_factory=PsycoConnection) OperationalError: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "first_db_user"

whats wrong?


Whats the calling method? maybe list_db?


how do you mean that?

because there is method called list_db that needs to make a query as superuser to list all the databases, probably is not the case. just to make sure that this is not a bug and this method has not been called.


how can i test this?

You must verify the stack trace for that. But for purpose tests, why don't you give superuser rigths for the user you are using, so you can isolate the problem.

Best Answer

You already gave the answer yourself: ident authentication failed for user "first_db_user".

Did you create a user first_db_user in the postgreSQL db, and gave him rights to access the needed tables?


yes user is created via webmin modul.. he has only access to first_db.. does he need other access?