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I am trying to modify the sales details pdf in point of sale version 12.
I have found the relevant file to change, however; I am having difficulty fetching the value I want to display.
I want to include the actual amount paid under payments in that I someone uses Euros (In the case of multi-currency) to pay for a product. The actual cash amount paid(tendered) is captured in the sales details ( before the currency is converted.)

Here is my xml;



 <template id="report_saledetail_ext" inherit_id="point_of_sale.report_saledetails"> 

 <xpath expr="//table[2]//thead//th[2]" position="after"> 

 <th>Actual Currency</th> 

 </xpath> <xpath expr="//table[2]//tbody//td[2]" position="after"> 

 <td><t t-esc="payment['tendered']" /></td> </xpath>


