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I have a deployment based on mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 15.10 and the following in VirtualHost site.conf

WSGIScriptAlias /mydep /opt/odoo/
WSGIDaemonProcess mydepdb user=odoo group=odoo processes=4 python-path=/opt/odoo display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup mydepdb
<Directory /opt/odoo>
     Require all granted

When I visit I get served files from `/var/www/html` which happens to be the `DocumentRoot` for Apache. So, no css, images, etc are available to be served and the log file clearly states that the files are not found in `/var/www/html`.

I was thinking that mod_wsgi would know that it is a point at which to serve the deployment and add whatever links to the `/mydep` link. But that is not the case.


I further invistigated this issue, would a RewrtieRule in apache be needed to serve odoo from '/mydep'?

did you enable the a2ensite [confname]?


Yes, site was enabled. I've tried to serve odoo by PorxyPassMatch as well without success. Just any means of using SSL and not deploying it in the root of URL would do. My next try would be RewriteRule.