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I have a bit of dilemma choosing product type. That product looks mostly as a service (no physical product is created), but it kind of needs to use manufacturing, because to create that service, all kinds of measurements are required. Which I think mrp module would be the best for that (creating BOM for that service, so it would consist of other services which would other measurements). Then work centers could be used for seeing what is workload of those work centers doing those measurements and so on.

But the problem choosing product as a service, is that then OpenERP treats it as non manufacturing product, even if I choose that it is procured and create BOM for it. If I run scheduler, no mrp order will be created for that product (only task can created if I would install project_mrp).

So maybe it is easier to just choose product as consumable (as there is no stock management for it) or it is not logical because product delivery will appear then in sales order, but that product is not physical.. Does anyone have suggestions?


Hi, have same questions now. Did you found a solution?

Is there any suggestions why to not operate services as stockable products considering if i need to "deliver" services partially? For example 40 of 150 sq. meters of laying laminate floor?

I think services are never stockable, even if they are measurable in sq. meters. It seems that services follow a different flow through the accounting ledgers than physical products.

It does not shock me that a service in real life can be modeled as a consumable or even a stockable in odoo. I model regularly services in real life as stockable in odoo so that I can manage invoicing based on "deliveries" (actual performing of a service). It all depends on which functions you need. If manufacturing seems to be the best for your case, just go for it, model your business case with BoMs and stockable (or consumables). Change the reports of "delivery orders" to "service orders" or whatever and you've got it. In any case, don't bother about the fact that it is called "stockable", "consumable" or "service", just use the one that behave the closest to your need.

Best Answer

I don't know if it's too late, but we use them as stackable products.
We were adviced to create a new product for each service with its own BoM, but we use the same product with an empty BoM. Then we edit the work order with the products that are going to be used. And only when we are going to make the invoice, we press the button of finish on the work order, we validate the outcome, then invoice it and it is properly costed.
