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The Manufacturing cycle in OpenERP is extremely tedious. Waiting for raw materials, when there is no need.

Haviing to open each and every manufactoring order and push them thru the system even if everything is ready to go.

Under "Product to Consume" you manually have to consume each and every one of the products - except a few where they seem to grap them itself. But the rest OMG - and you have to open a window for each of the ingredients you use to manufacture and ok it.

There should be ways to eliminate all the BS created for large companies. I don't care about a lot of internal and external stock moves except the one that writes down the stock of a product when consumed for manufactoring. It should be easy to set it up to bypass all these controls. Now I cannot cancel an MO because of a f... picking list - and where do I find that??? I that just hidden among a trillion other stock moves or what?  I am starting to not like this system. A lot of intelligence is missing in it.


Best Answer

It appears you don't understand how manufacturing can work.

If you have autopicking turned on, the only thing you have to do to finish an MO is click PRODUCE and enter the number you have produced.

I suggest you review the documentation to understand the recommended steps, and the optional steps.  You don't have to consume anything unless you require additional information about the progress of your manufacturing order.


Best Answer

Whoa! Easy on the temper there :D

First off: Yes, the MRP system needs quite a bit of intelligence that is still missing. OpenERP recently improved Stock, so I can imagine that MRP might be next. If not, it's still open source so you can always alter it yourself.

Next, you are able to create the push/pull flows that will save you the waiting on raw materials, given that you are absolutely sure you always have these available before starting production.

After that, you do not need to confirm all the items seperately. Start production makes sure everything ready to go and "Produce" allows you to press the OK button if all the to-be-consumed products were actually consumed. If that is the case, OpenERP will immediately consume all the products and create the manufactured products for you. Using the same push/pull flow tactics as before , you can even move the output directly into stock (or even to your customer, if you are really the adventureous type ;) ).

All-in-all there might be some things lacking and it might be very basic, but I would certainly not call it a BS-ridden feature.


By the way, using the MO's link to the sale order, you can easily find the picking list for this MO. That is just one of several ways. Another one would be to use the overview of stock moves in the Stock module and filter by MO relation.
