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Hello I am trying to make a little pop up window for show filters and than generate a report. I want that the trigger of this window is a menu option.


I dont know if someone can help me i will be very thanksful.


Hola, estoy tratando de crear una pantalla pop up para una opción de menu, la idea es que al presionar una opción en mi menu lateral, se muestre esta ventana como popup, con algunos campos de filtro, la cual al seleccionar el boton de submit esta ejecute un reporte previamente diseñado.



Javier Batres


didn't got you clearly, can you please explain in brief? What version of openerp you are using?

Best Answer

I believe the needed concept is the wizard. In your case, you can use it for configuring the inputs of your report. The action that opens the wizard can be linked to a menu item. Check the Odoo developer documentation for actions (e.g. or the question on how to create wizards (

I hope this helps.
