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I am trying to show different size of image on website. When I use following line of code, it gives me 500 Internal Server Error :

<img t-att-src="'/logo.png;base64,'" t-att-title="" style="max-width: 200px; max-height: 150px;"/>

It seems that whenever I use base64, it gives me internal server error. How to fix it?


Can you post the complete code (seems to be truncked... because "'/logo.png;base64,'" it is no valid ! Why are you trying to use base64 if you have the path ?

And please, provide the traceback present in your logs.

That sound like it is not root cause of your internal error.

Just tested here:


I was using base64 so that I could change the size of logo on website. The company logo gets resized to 183px (approx) and I needed to have bigger logo on website. I found this on forum -

Later I created image field and showed that on website.