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I would like to know if it's possible to restrict sales persons to only the next step of a sale. The issue is prevent salespeople from "cruising" through the cycle, and require the process to behave stage by stage. And require them to fill the evidence of each stage.


Best Answer

Yes. You can put a salesperson in a team that only has certain stages available. For example, if you have the following stages:

  1. New
  2. Qualified
  3. Proposition
  4. Negotiation

You can have a team called "Qualifiers" that has access to New and Qualified only. Then another team called "Proposition makers" that has access to Qualified and Proposition only. Etc...
You define this in the teams (stages tab) and you put the right people in the right teams.

Regarding "requiring filling out the evidence of each stage", it's a custom development.


This is partially what I wanted, but I dont want it to block them out permanently, what I want is sort of a wizard which won't let you click next until you fill out some information, automatically. Like I said we want to prevent a salesperson to go from 'New to Won/Loss' without submitting evidence. So a sales person can only go from New to Qualified, but not to Proposition until he fill out Qualified.