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HI all,

I have to write the inverse function (using the inverse parameter) on a field that is defined so in order to have the "add an item".

x_ids = fields.Many2many("product.pricelist.item", "Pricelist Items", compute="_get_pricelist_items", inverse="_set_pricelist_items")
def _get_x_items(self):
self.x_ids = self.env["product.pricelist.item"].search([("product_tmpl_id", "=",]).ids

The documentation says:

"The inverse method, as its name says, does the inverse of the compute method: the invoked records have a value for the field, and you must apply the necessary changes on the field dependencies such that the computation gives the expected value. Note that a computed field without an inverse method is readonly by default."

THe readonly can't let me to view "add an item".

What's the inverse of search through a model? DO I have to create something?

What does exactly mean this?


Hello Hilar AK,

thank for your answer. The case you show me is quite clear and it's the same written in the official documentation but with you images examples now it's even clearer.

BUt I hafve these case where I have a field x_ids that have a m2m relation with another field.

In the compute function there is a search but in the inverse function what I have to written?

COuld you give me any suggestions?

I updated the answer and included details about search


Hilar AK

THank you.

Everytime you answer me I understand more and more.

Now I have this question:

OK i have to define a search function like you wrote me.

IN your example what could be the "_compute_standard_price" implementation?

it returns a price for the product after some calculations.

Best Answer

Hi Paul San,

The Use of Inverse parameter is quite simple. Normally the computing fields are read-only because it computes the values on the fly from the record set. If you need to make a manual entry on compute field, that can be done by giving inverse function. So it triggers call of the decorated function when the field is written/”created”. It reverses the computation and set the relevant fields.

upper = fields.Char(compute='_compute_upper',

def _compute_upper(self):
for rec in self:
rec.upper = rec.employee_name.upper() if rec.employee_name else False

for rec in self:
rec.employee_name = rec.upper.lower() if rec.upper else False


2. Editing computed field

3.  Inverse Function Triggered


By default, a computed field is not stored to the database and is computed on-the-fly. Adding the attribute ``store=True`` will store the field's values in the database. The advantage of a stored field is that searching on that field is done by the database itself.

So computed fields which are not stored in the database can't be searched normally, To enable searching we have to define the search function explicitly. This can be achieved by adding  ''search '' param with computing field. If we add a method to search on a compute field, the method is invoked when processing domains before doing an actual search on the model.

Another eg :

standard_price = fields.Float(
'Cost', compute='_compute_standard_price',
inverse='_set_standard_price', search='_search_standard_price',
digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'), groups="base.group_user",
def _search_standard_price(self, operator, value):
products = self.env['product.product'].search([('standard_price', operator, value)], limit=None)
return [('id', 'in', products.mapped('product_tmpl_id').ids)]
