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Odoo 8.0 commit 927c00525c. UPDATE: This commit was checked in on 06 Sep 2015.

Demo data is installed.

Fresh Odoo database, where an empty database was provided for Odoo to initialize upon starting up for the first time.

The error:

ERROR:  could not serialize access due to concurrent update
STATEMENT: UPDATE "ir_actions_todo" SET "state"='done',"write_uid"=1,"write_date"=(now() at time zone 'UTC') WHERE id IN (1)
2015-09-13 03:02:29,573 4036 ERROR my_odoo openerp.sql_db: bad query: UPDATE "ir_actions_todo" SET "state"='done',"write_uid"=1,"write_date"=(now() at time zone 'UTC') WHERE id IN (1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/jon/Documents/Personal/Inclucive/test_deploy/odoo/openerp/", line 234, in execute
res = self._obj.execute(query, params)
TransactionRollbackError: could not serialize access due to concurrent update

2015-09-13 03:02:29,578 4036 INFO my_odoo openerp.service.model: SERIALIZATION_FAILURE, retry 1/5 in 0.4997 sec...
2015-09-13 03:02:29,580 4036 INFO my_odoo Generating routing map
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
STATEMENT: SELECT "ir_module_module"."id" FROM "ir_module_module"
WHERE "ir_module_module".id IN (79) ORDER BY "ir_module_module"."sequence" ,"ir_module_module"."name"

2015-09-13 03:02:30,084 4036 ERROR my_odoo openerp.sql_db: bad query: SELECT "ir_module_module"."id" FROM "ir_module_module"
WHERE "ir_module_module".id IN (79) ORDER BY "ir_module_module"."sequence" ,"ir_module_module"."name"

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/jon/Documents/Personal/Inclucive/test_deploy/odoo/openerp/", line 234, in execute
res = self._obj.execute(query, params)
InternalError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
Author Best Answer

UPDATE: Seems fixed at 2b1cdd5, just 9 days after the commit mentioned by the OP.

Bug is tested to be gone at 7d68fa0.
