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2 Replies

I am overriding a method of account.voucher that uses resolve_o2m_operations, wich is a global method I guess, it's declared at the end of the file, outside any class, so it's global and apllicable to all classes. The problem is when overriding the method, it gives me : Global name resolve_o2m_operations not defined, how to define it in the the new class where I'm overrding ? I tried to put the method on the new file containing the overriden method ... any solution please


Can you post a part of your code ?


Thanks said for your interest, It's solved.

Best Answer

@Yassine, I'm assuming you are using a new module and new py file.  In that file, add the following somewhere near the beginning: from account_voucher.account_voucher import resolve_o2m_operations


Following my last post, I just needed to add : addons.account_voucher_account_voucher import resole_o2m_operations, and it works. Thanks Ivan !! you inspired me !

@Yassine are you using any of the saas branch? If so, yes, it need the addons in front.


Yes, i'm deploying openerp on my dedicated server.

Author Best Answer

@Ivan : Yes I'm using a new module : account_payment_bl, with files : ; ; ; voucher_bl_view.xml   

On the file I put : import account_voucher, so as to import

When I put from "account_voucher.account_voucher import resolve_o2m_operations" it drives me to that error : 

File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/modules/", line 350, in load_modules force, status, report, loaded_modules, update_module) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/modules/", line 256, in load_marked_modules loaded, processed = load_module_graph(cr, graph, progressdict, report=report, skip_modules=loaded_modules, perform_checks=perform_checks) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/modules/", line 159, in load_module_graph load_openerp_module( File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/modules/", line 405, in load_openerp_module __import__('openerp.addons.' + module_name) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/modules/", line 133, in load_module mod = imp.load_module('openerp.addons.' + module_part, f, path, descr) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/account_payment_bl/", line 22, in <module> import account_voucher File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/account_payment_bl/", line 2, in <module> from account_voucher.account_voucher import resolve_o2m_operations ImportError: No module named account_voucher

I made in blod caracter the most interesting part of the error, why it's not considering account_voucher as a module ?
