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I want to create an order using odoo-xml-rpc using node js. Write now i created order first and then I am creating the order item as mentioned in the following url :- .

odoo.execute_kw('pos.order', 'create', params, function (err, value) { //first creating order
    if (err) { return console.log(err); }
        var inParams = [];
            'order_id' : value //passing previous executed order_id to order item
        var params = [];
        odoo.execute_kw('pos.order.line', 'create', params, function (err, value) { // then create order item with that order id
            if (err) { return console.log(err); }
            res.send('order item created')


The logic here is first we create an order and pass that order id to the line item creating api. But the problem here is "amount_total" is mandatory when creating order and after attaching order id to order item the order amount is not updating . How can we manage order subtotal using api? ( I am using nodejs xml-rpc)
