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2 Replies

I added a Tax Description/Account line item in an invoice. I added the field to the tree view by enabling developer mode, editing the view, and adding an entry in the XML for the line item. This is not a module I developed. I'd like to display the sum of the amounts, but no matter what I try I only seem able to display the number of line items as shown in this screenshot: In this screenshot there is only one line item, but there could be more.

How can I display the total of the line item values instead of the number of records in the database? Thanks.

Edit: Here are two more screenshots. I created a one2many field in the admin dashboard: This is the line item entry I made in the invoice: The field is included in the tree view like: <field name="x_FlourTaxAmount" sum="Flour Tax Total"/>. I did not create a module. I did not add a .py or .xml.

Edit: This is what we came up with. Now that we understand the solution a little better some variables need to be renamed, otherwise this works.

from openerp.osv import fields, osv

class AAA(osv.osv):
    _inherit = 'account.invoice'

    def get_tax_total(self, cr, uid, ids, field, arg, context=None, line_name=None):
        #~ import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace();
        res = {}
        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
            res[] = {
                'flour_tax_total': 0,
            val = 0
            for line in order.flour_tax:
                    val += line.tax_amount
            res[] = val
        return res

    def get_flour_tax_total(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs["line_name"] = "Harina"
        return get_tax_total(*args, **kwargs)

    _columns = {
        'flour_tax': fields.one2many('', 'invoice_id', 'Flour Tax Amount'),
        'flour_tax_total': fields.function(get_flour_tax_total, type='float', string='Flour Tax Total'),

    _defaults ={
        'flour_tax': 13,
        'flour_tax_total': 42,


In the screenshot, I can see the amount 5000.00 on top and at very bottom. So at the very bottom amount is total of all the values of field Subtotal. You can do it same for line item values but it should be type of float instead of character. Then you can achieve total of line item at the very bottom.

Best Answer

You should add one more field.

I presume you already have this is your :

' tax_line *(or whatever)*' : fields.one2many('tax.line*(or whatever)*', 'tax_line_ids*(or whatever)*', 'Flour Tax Amount'),

You should add one more field in your :

'tax_line_sum':fields.function(amount_all,type='integer',string='Total Amount'),


 def amount_all(self, cr, uid, ids, field, arg, context=None):
        #~ import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace();
        res = {}
        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
            res[] = {
                'tax_line_sum': 0,
            val = 0
            for line in order.tax_line:
                val += line.tax_line_amount
            res[] = val
        return res

And don't forget to add this in your .xml:

<field name="tax_line_sum" sum='Total Tax'/>

Hope it works


Great. Thank you for your reply. Please see my edit above. I have not created a new Python module. I did this through the admin. I'll try your approach, but is there a way I can do this entirely within the admin dashboard? Thanks!

As far as I know, we are unable to create functional field directly from Web-UI which you will need it for sure. It was also stated here

Your approach by writing this line one .xml: ' <field name="x_FlourTaxAmount" sum="Flour Tax Total"/>' is incorrect, I presume. Because x_FlourTaxAmount field type is one2many which is unable to sum.

The best that I can suggest to display your total amount of Tax is inside your Form View (not Tree View) by adding this to your xml:


Thanks a lot @fahreza! You definitely pointed us in the right direction.

Author Best Answer

Here's the version that worked for us. Now that we understand the solution a little better some variables need to be renamed, otherwise this works.

from openerp.osv import fields, osv

class AAA(osv.osv):
    _inherit = 'account.invoice'

    def get_tax_total(self, cr, uid, ids, field, arg, context=None, line_name=None):
        #~ import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace();
        res = {}
        for order in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
            res[] = {
                'flour_tax_total': 0,
            val = 0
            for line in order.flour_tax:
                    val += line.tax_amount
            res[] = val
        return res

    def get_flour_tax_total(*args, **kwargs):
    kwargs["line_name"] = "Harina"
        return get_tax_total(*args, **kwargs)

    _columns = {
        'flour_tax': fields.one2many('', 'invoice_id', 'Flour Tax Amount'),
        'flour_tax_total': fields.function(get_flour_tax_total, type='float', string='Flour Tax Total'),

    _defaults ={
        'flour_tax': 13,
        'flour_tax_total': 42,
