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Hi !

I want to load data files in a specific order, because some records need to be created before their id could be used to create other records.

I use csv files. One file for each model. For example, `res.partner.csv`.

The order of the list under `data` doesn't work.

I know this works fine with one big xml data file, but I want to make it works with csv files.

Thanks ! 

Best Answer

Order within data section in is exact order of importimg data... 
That should work check carefully what happens when you install a module... 
Just watch  console output or log entries... and see in which order it imports data....



I completely deleted my csv files and use xml files exclusively now. If someone find this usefull, I'm sure he'll say it in a comment, and I will accept the answer. For now, I have no time to re-create csv files and testing that anymore. But thanks anyway for your answer !