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2 Replies

Hi everyone,

I am using a fields.selection:

'typeseller': fields.selection((('d','Direct'), ('ca','Communication agencies'),('r','Reseller')),'Type of seller',required=True),

I want to create a group_by filter for this field:

<filter string="Type seller" context="{'group_by': 'typeseller'}"/>

However, on my view, it does the group by by showing the "key" (so here d, ca and r) instead of the value ( Direct, Communication agencies or Reseller) and it is pretty ugly.

Is it possible to group by the value instead of the key?

Many thanks,


PS: I am using an OpenERP 7

Best Answer

Add the field typeseller in the tree view and it should show value instead of key.

Best Answer

Dear Selverine,

I think there are not direct way to do that, But you can do another Selection Field like this:


'new_typeseller': fields.selection((('d','d'), ('ca','ca'),('r','r')),'Type of seller',required=True),

and then make Onchange Methd like this:
def onchange_typeseller(self,cr,uid,ids,typeseller=False,context=None):

     return {'value':{'new_typeseller':typeseller}}

Then call it on xml and make group by the new field:

<filter string="Type seller" context="{'group_by': 'new_typeseller'}"/>

you can make the new field invisible from the form view and add it to tree view.

I hope I helped you...
