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The List View supports various configuration options:

     * Core class for list-type displays.
     * As a view, needs a number of view-related parameters to be correctly
     * instantiated, provides options and overridable methods for behavioral
     * customization.
     * See constructor parameters and method documentations for information on
     * the default behaviors and possible options for the list view.
     * @constructs instance.web.ListView
     * @extends instance.web.View
     * @param parent parent object
     * @param {instance.web.DataSet} dataset the dataset the view should work with
     * @param {String} view_id the listview's identifier, if any
     * @param {Object} options A set of options used to configure the view
     * @param {Boolean} [options.selectable=true] determines whether view rows are selectable (e.g. via a checkbox)
     * @param {Boolean} [options.header=true] should the list's header be displayed
     * @param {Boolean} [options.deletable=true] are the list rows deletable
     * @param {void|String} [options.addable="New"] should the new-record button be displayed, and what should its label be. Use ``null`` to hide the button.
     * @param {Boolean} [options.sortable=true] is it possible to sort the table by clicking on column headers
     * @param {Boolean} [options.reorderable=true] is it possible to reorder list rows


How can I set those in the XML of the view? For example, I'd like to create a non-selectable list view.


