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Hi how can use that parameters: Static HTTP service: --static-http-enable :enable static HTTP service for serving plain HTML files --static-http-document-root=STATIC_HTTP_DOCUMENT_ROOT :specify the directory containing your static HTML files (e.g '/var/www/') --static-http-url-prefix=STATIC_HTTP_URL_PREFIX :specify the URL root prefix where you want web browsers to access your static HTML files (e.g '/')

I'm interested to serve the static files in openerp by a reverse proxy linke nginx, but I don't understand how, can someone show me an example?



Same question. Following the instructions, we changed the static http part of opnerp-server.conf as below - static_http_enable = True static_http_document_root = /opt/www/ static_http_url_prefix = / What's URL to browse the static html files under /opt/www/ ?

I was going through the code in file service/ and I noticed that there's a function named init_static_http() which seems to do the job of registering a StaticHTTPHandler, but I can see no instruction calling that function. Could that be why the static serving is not working?

thread raises the same issue but has no answer just yet.