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How to put manufacturer name of products on sales order line in the quotation to customers (rml) ? I set the manufacturer name of each products at the procurement tab .. Please help me


Hi Manu,

If there will be more than 1 supplier/manufacturer of the product in the procurement tab of the product, then how'd you like to display it on the sale_order quotation report? Let me know and I can try with that in my local and get back to you.

Let me give you a hint as well for how we can achieve this, we can pass the product_id for each order_line to a method (say get_manufacturer(line.product_id)) from RML, then in the file we need to define this method and fetch the name from product.supplier_info table by filtering it with the product_id.



Hi ASP, Thanks for your kind reply.. sorry for the late reply.. I have only one manufacturer for each product. I just wanted to put the manufacturer name of each product on each order lines in quotation report. Anyway I achieved this in a way which is given below on answer section.. Thanks for your help.. Can you give a look on this question please . I really stuck on this. Thanks in advance..

Author Best Answer
  1. In OpenERP Report Designer → Modify Existing Report → Sales Order - Quotation / Order – Open Report.
  2. On Order Lines add a new column named Manufacturer.
  3. Press the "Convert Brackets to Fields" button in the openerp toolbar
  4. Go to Add a field → line(Sales Order Line) → /Product/Manufacturer/Name → ok
  5. Export to RMl.