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My problem is when i press button the openerp user interface is blocked, because it is doing some xmlrpc work, as long as work is in not done the openerp ui is blocked. So, my question is - Is there any way to do this work in background even i pressed the button ? I don`t want to use any scheduler or any server actions.

Also, I want to take care of repetitive xmlrpc events on pressing button 2-3 times.

Please suggest some thing , how to solve this problem ???

Best Answer

I found this at base/res/

def email_send(self, cr, uid, ids, email_from, subject, body, on_error=''):
        while len(ids):
            self.pool.get('ir.cron').create(cr, uid, {
                'name': 'Send Partner Emails',
                'user_id': uid,
                'model': 'res.partner',
                'function': '_email_send',
                'args': repr([ids[:16], email_from, subject, body, on_error])
            ids = ids[16:]
        return True

The task is added to the cron and executed as soon as possible(i think with a delay of max. a minute) in background.


Thanks , I already using cron jobs for doing background work in OpenERP, I think this is the only way to do it. anyways, thanks a lot.