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I want to override the addons\web\static\src\xml\base.xml in a custom module, i.e. the login page. to load my customized login page first before creating the first database.

How to write the file and xml file

And what does these tag do in web/ :

'post_load': 'wsgi_postload',
'bootstrap': True,
'web_preload': False,`
Best Answer

In your custom module create folder like: ststic/src/xml/custom.xml

In custom.xml file

<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">

<t t-extend="Login" >
     <t t-jquery=".oe_login" t-operation="replace">
            Custom code for Login Page


Add this file in your file like : 'qweb': ['static/src/xml/custom.xml']


Thanks for reply. But I mean how to load the web module before creating database( i.e. before install the module. I tried to add 'post_load': 'wsgi_postload', 'bootstrap': True, in, but not work. I've edited my question.

Add 'auto_install': True in, it ,may solve your problem. Thanks.


I notice the bug similar to my question. It's tagged with fixed. Where is the fix?

can u explain what mean of <t t-extend="Login" > and <t t-jquery=".oe_login"> what is the mean by "Login " and ".oe_login" i think "Login" is the model name and .oe_login is the jquery inherited class am i right or wrong ..??

Login is the template name(Have a lool in base.xml of web). And ".oe_login" is class name.

thanks a lot ..!!!!!!!