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Hi all,

I want to override a function in POS, which was writen by JS. So, I create and with 'depends ' : ['point_of_sale']. Next, I created my_module.js in /static/src/js

Via link :

So, In my my_module.js, I wrote

openerp.my_module = function(instance){
var module = instance.sample // loading the namespace of the 'sample' module module.PosWidget.include({ start : function(){ console.log('Hello!'); // HERE IS MY CODE }, }); };

In "HERE IS MY CODE", in wrote whole original code and modify function "self.$('.deleteorder-button').click(function(){ }) as an alert().


It means : when I click butotn delete order in POS, I will get an alert("HELLO")

Where is my wrong? Can any one help me, please?

