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  1. I have created this field in product.product: 'stock_by_location' : fields.one2many('report.stock.inventory', 'product_id', 'Stock by Location', domain=[('product_qty','>',0)]),

  2. Then I created this field in stock.move module: 'inventory' : fields.related('product_id', 'stock_location', type='one2many', relation='report.stock.inventory', string='Stock Location'),

  3. Now whenever I open an existing stock.move entry from Warehouse->Stock Move I can see the current quantity of that selected product per its location. But whenever I create a new stock move entry and select a product, it never gets updated unless I save the form first. From what I know, I need to create an on_change event for this.

The product_id field on stock.move had already an on_change event. How can I insert an on_change event function to update the inventory field which is a related field of product_id and is also a one2many type.

Any help pls.?

Best Answer

You need add to existing on_change method code, that recalculate your filed. And add to return value dictionary your field with recalculated value.

How define o2m value you can check here.
