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1 Reply

Hello everyone,

We are looking for a setup where OpenERP users would log in against OpenAM (with a LDAP directory storing user and password) and would then be connected in OpenERP and others applications.

auth_ldap module will authenticate me against LDAP, but I will have to type my login and passwd again on every other applications. In our scenario, the user connects on many applications by entering its login and password only once.

If you could share some feedbacks with the modules installed on OpenERP and/or OpenAM to make this work, it would be very much appreciated.


Best Answer

Do you mean you are looking for single-sign-on capabilities? If yes, you need to decide of a third-party mechanism that will take care of that (openid, oauth,...) that you can even host/control yourself and make sure OpenAM can use it. OpenERP can. You will want to look at the modules auth_* like auth_oauth or auth_openid.

See also


OpenAM seems to be oauth capable. We wil report the setup here if it is working. Thanks Fabrice.