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3 Replies

I tried from github ,then I can installed successfully after few days ,I got Internal server Error,due to server may overloaded etc..

So that I want to know ,How to install and set up odoo8 in ubuntu not from git hub(debian version ) ?.


Why would you not want to use the github version? If you take the stable version you can't do anything wrong. Have you tried checking your logfile? Perhaps the problem is very easy to fix.


I tried to install odoo from this site


How can I fix this Internal server Error ?


Can you help

Please provide some details from the logfile (under /var/log/...). If you want I can post a script / guide on how to make a clean install of Odoo 7/8 too.


Please provide some details from the logfile (under /var/log/...)? I am not getting, can u clarify your statement?

Your Odoo automaticly generates a logfile. This logfile contains all details of what goes wreng when your Odoo crashes, has a problem, .. The file is the number one place to go to find your problem and solve it. If you are using Ubuntu (Linux) you can find it under the folder /var/log/...

Best Answer

If you used the instructions at exactly as it is written to install Odoo then you did NOT install Odoo v8, you installed version Master, which is currently the development branch of V9 I believe.  That is not stable.

To install the Debian/Ubuntu package using apt-get and the automatic script that does everything for you do the following:
1. Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:
    deb ./
2. Then type:
    sudo apt-get update
3. Then type:
    sudo apt-get install odoo

Using this method gives some advantages of ease over the manual WGET or GIT-CLONE methods but you have to accept the choices that are written into the script, like where they put the files, etc.  If you are not an expert then that is a good tradeoff.  It also should allow use of the automatic app update mechanism (Settings->Modules->Updates) but not yet, it is currently unavailable on Debian/Ubuntu (I think it still is).  But you can use the following to update:
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrad

I would suggest that you uninstall Odoo first.  You might even want to delete the Odoo user and Odoo Postgres user to get rid of any residual junk and start fresh.  The above will take care of all that for you.  If you have trouble reinstalling then please post DETAILED descriptions of what happens.

Best Answer

If you do not want to debug your logfiles and try to find this error use one of these guides. I'd advise the script as this is basicly an automatic install.

Manual installation without auto-start:

1.    sudo apt-get update
2.    sudo apt-get upgrade
3.    sudo apt-get install git
4.    sudo apt-get install graphviz ghostscript postgresql-client \
python-dateutil python-feedparser python-matplotlib \
python-ldap python-libxslt1 python-lxml python-mako \
python-openid python-psycopg2 python-pybabel python-pychart \
python-pydot python-pyparsing python-reportlab python-simplejson \
python-tz python-vatnumber python-vobject python-webdav \
python-werkzeug python-xlwt python-yaml python-imaging
5.    sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev mc bzr python-setuptools python-babel \
python-feedparser python-reportlab-accel python-zsi python-openssl \
python-egenix-mxdatetime python-jinja2 python-unittest2 python-mock \
python-docutils lptools make python-psutil python-paramiko poppler-utils \
python-pdftools antiword postgresql
6.    sudo -u postgres createuser -s odoo
7.    Install Odoo version: (version 8 is under
wget -O- | python
8.    cd odoo/
9.    ./openerp-server

Start Odoo server:
1. Cd Odoo/
2. ./openerp-server


Automatic install script with automatic booting after startup:

1. sudo nano
2. Add following lines of code: (note this script is made by André Schenkels, credit to him.)
3. Sudo chmod +x
4. Execute the file to auto-install: ./
5. After this is done do a reboot: sudo shutdown -r now
You will now see Odoo starts automaticly when you go to the webpage!

Best Answer

This is an uninstall script, you might use it for orientation for what should be removed: There are also install scripts.
