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Hi all,

i want inherit Qweb template in my custom module,

here is my

'name': "Custom Warehouse",
'author': "Jothimani R",
'category': 'custom',
'description': "This module is used for filtering the stock.pack.operation lines based on relevent partner",
'summery': ''' ''',
'depends': ['stock'],
'installable': True,
'website': True,
'qweb': ['static/src/xml/picking.xml'],

and my Qweb picking.xml is

<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
     <t t-extend="stock.PickingEditorWidget">
         <t t-jquery=".form-control .oe_searchbox" t-operation="replace">
             <div><input type="text" name="jo" value="jothimani"/></div>

but not showing my new field. please give me suggestion

thanks in advance       


just make one line change t-jquery="input.oe_searchbox" instead of t-jquery=".form_control .oe_searchbox" .