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In the task notification messages (eg. "Stage changed...") I would like to include the Project name or, even better, a link to the Project or Analytic Account.

Could anybody point me in the right direction please?

Author Best Answer

I solved by overriding mail.thread message_track method. 

In short:

class mail_thread(osv.Model):

    _inherit = 'mail.thread' def message_track(self, cr, uid, ids, tracked_fields, initial_values, context=None):

        def convert_for_display(value, col_info): if not value and col_info['type'] == 'boolean': return 'False' if not value: return '' if col_info['type'] == 'many2one': return value.name_get()[0][1] if col_info['type'] == 'selection': return dict(col_info['selection'])[value] return value def format_message(message_description, tracked_values): message = '' if message_description: message = '<span>%s</span>' % message_description for name, change in tracked_values.items(): message += '<div> &nbsp; &nbsp; &bull; <b>%s</b>: ' % change.get('col_info') if change.get('old_value'): message += '%s &rarr; ' % change.get('old_value') message += '%s</div>' % change.get('new_value') return message if not tracked_fields: return True for browse_record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): initial = initial_values[] changes = set() tracked_values = {} project_name = '' # if browse_record.project_id: try: project_name = '<div>%s</div>' % \ + '<div>%s</div>' % except: project_name = project_name # generate tracked_values data structure: {'col_name': {col_info, new_value, old_value}} for col_name, col_info in tracked_fields.items(): field = self._fields[col_name] initial_value = initial[col_name] record_value = getattr(browse_record, col_name) if record_value == initial_value and getattr(field, 'track_visibility', None) == 'always': tracked_values[col_name] = dict( col_info=col_info['string'], new_value=convert_for_display(record_value, col_info), ) elif record_value != initial_value and (record_value or initial_value): # because browse null != False if getattr(field, 'track_visibility', None) in ['always', 'onchange']: tracked_values[col_name] = dict( col_info=col_info['string'], old_value=convert_for_display(initial_value, col_info), new_value=convert_for_display(record_value, col_info), ) if col_name in tracked_fields: changes.add(col_name) if not changes: continue # find subtypes and post messages or log if no subtype found subtypes = [] # By passing this key, that allows to let the subtype empty and so don't sent email because partners_to_notify from mail_message._notify will be empty if not context.get('mail_track_log_only'): for field, track_info in self._track.items(): if field not in changes: continue for subtype, method in track_info.items(): if method(self, cr, uid, browse_record, context): subtypes.append(subtype) posted = False for subtype in subtypes: subtype_rec = self.pool.get('').xmlid_to_object(cr, uid, subtype, context=context) if not (subtype_rec and subtype_rec.exists()): _logger.debug('subtype %s not found' % subtype) continue message = project_name + format_message(subtype_rec.description if subtype_rec.description else, tracked_values) self.message_post(cr, uid,, body=message, subtype=subtype, context=context) posted = True if not posted: message = format_message(project_name, tracked_values) self.message_post(cr, uid,, body=message, context=context) return True

Best Answer

Hi Raffaele,

i'm having the same issue. can you let me know how you edited the mail.thread message_track method?


I'll attach a brief sample to my answer. Please use properly the forum tools: this is not an answer, but a comment.

Hello Raffaele, I need to do the same thing, can you please tell how? If is possible to extend your answer. Or attach file? Thank you!

Ok, was missing this part at top of your code, -> from openerp.addons.mail.mail_thread import mail_thread

from openerp import models, fields, api

class mail_thread(models.Model):

Ivan yours and Raffaele solutions use different APIs. Can you confirm if this works for version 8 as I don't seem to be able to inherit mail.thread. Is this because of this known problem