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I am trying to make a view of res.user by using js and css and creating email and password field in it but I am unable to fetch these input type values in pyhton file.

Python File:

class AvalraConnection(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'res.users'
    _description = 'Avalara Setup'

    email = fields.Char('Email Address', required=False)
    password = fields.Char('Password', required=False)

XML File:

<input type="email" name="email" id="myemail" size="30" />
<input type="password" name="password"/> 

I am fetching values by using self because it is in res.users

It is giving empty values. So how to get values of input type field in python file. Any help any suggestion or any help would be appreciated.


Hello Adam, Please share all code that you did


Updated my question

Did you check for typos and restart Odoo?


Am I doing the right way to get values i.e by using self? If yes then restarting will be beneficial but I dont know I am going in right way or not