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I would like to know how can I download/print a single pdf that has multiple reports of the same template.

At the moment I can download only a single report per child, but I want to have them all in a single pdf when I print them from the parent. In my views I use buttons in the header to get the report.

	<button name="%(action_report_salary_all_details)d" string="Salary (details)" type="action" style="margin-right: 5px;"/>
	<button name="%(action_report_salary_few_details)d" string="Salary" type="action"/>

My report code for the child model (parent is 'hr.history.salary' and it is in One2Many relation with child):

class ReportSalaryFewDetails(models.AbstractModel):
    _name = ''

    def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
        payslips = self.env['hr.history.salary.salary_slips'].browse(docids)
        docargs = {
            'doc_ids': docids,
            'doc_model': 'hr.history.salary.salary_slips',
'docs': payslips, 'data': data, } return self.env['report'].render('my_addon.report_salary_few_details', docargs)

Do I have to create a whole new report so I can call it from the parent or can I modify this code and how to print them all in one pdf? 

Author Best Answer

I finally figured it out with the get_pdf() method. 

def save_reports_file(self):
        report_ids = self.env['hr.myreport.datas'].search([('report_id', '=',]).ids
        report_name = "module.report_name"
        pdf = self.env['report'].sudo().get_pdf(report_ids, report_name)
        self.reports_file = base64.encodestring(pdf)


Best Answer

I know get_pdf() method works for ODOOV10. i.e.

self.env['report'].sudo().get_pdf(, 'module_name.report_template_xml_id)

In V12 issue can solve this way:

report_sudo = self.env['']._get_report_from_name('module_name.report_template_xml_id')  # report action
pdf_content = getattr(report_sudo, 'render_qweb_pdf')([], data={'report_type': 'pdf'})[0]

Best Answer

invoice tree view has print invoices function. check how it is done, it might give you the idea.

see NIyas's answer here:


I need it to work from a custom button in a view. At least tell me the name of the module so I can view the source files. The answer in the link isn't helpful! I need a code example not how a end user can do it.

i thought you would notice it from attached picture. it is in accounting / customer invoices. and there is no other ready code I know of. you can do it and share it.


the picture is a bit small so I didn't really see the menu items good. But now I have to figure out what addon modul has this code.


just pass the required id's of the records in docids


tried that before posting question because in the template is <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">, but it didn't work. Or I just don't know how to do it right.