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4 Replies

After install or upgrade to Google Chrome 50 or Chromium equivalent update, Odoo 8 and 9 stop working.

How could you fix Odoo to continue using Google Chrome or Chromium without the need to switch to Mozilla or any other browser?

Best Answer


I have just pack answer of Axel Mendoza into an addon.

You may wait for the official fix or in the meantime, you may use mine (tested on V8):

Author Best Answer

I solve it using this quick fix, hope that helps to find the complete solution. I add this css rules in one of my modules and make it works mostly everything. Just the database manager view menu continue hide because that view works without a database so no modules are loaded and for that it works by adding the css rules on the base.css of the web module(I tried using a module with a server_wide_modules or --load options but no luck).

The css rules are:

.openerp .oe_leftbar > div > div > div {
min-height: 455px;
.openerp .oe_application > div > .oe_view_manager > .oe_view_manager_wrapper > div{
min-height: 532px;

This it's tested on Odoo 8, the same should apply to Odoo 9 or others versions. This solution of course could be improved for anyone with more deep knowledge of css than me but it works. I hope this guide to the final solution.

This is also posted on the related issue on Github at:

You could follow that issue for updates

*************update taken from the issue link*****************

This work too and also is a more clean solution

.openerp .oe_application > div > .oe_view_manager > .oe_view_manager_wrapper > div{

.openerp .oe_leftbar > div > div > div {

*************update to fix the pos******************

I test this css rules using my approach with pos and works:

.pos .subwindow .subwindow-container-fix {
    min-height: 186px;
.pos .subwindow .subwindow-container-fix.screens{
    min-height: 608px;
.pos .screen .content-cell .content-container {
    min-height: 559px;

To load those in a custom module you will need something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <template id="assets_backend" name="solt_web assets" inherit_id="point_of_sale.index">
            <xpath expr="//head" position="inside">
                <link rel="stylesheet" href="/solt_pos/static/src/css/styles.css"/>

Otherwise it will not load your css


That last solution in the update could break the IE 9, 10, 11


I mean to the first update in my comment before