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I have an object with some _sql_constraints and _constraints. This object is a column of a "parent" object, an one2many field in parent class. I need to execute those constraints and _sql_constraints validations when I save the "child" object, not at the moment of saving parent object. Please any help will be welcome, I need a solution as soon as posible....thanks in advanced!!

pd: Sorry my English.

Best Answer


the point is that child object is not saved until parent is saved. In order to achieve desired behaviour, you might:

1. Instead of constraints, introduce a check as onchange in validated fields. E.g.

from openerp import exceptions
def _onchange_field_1(self):
    for object in self:
        if object.field_1 > object.field_2:
             raise exceptions.Warning('NOT GOOD!')

Have a look for a similar example in the 'sale' module, when a partner is changed.

2. Force save of a parent object, when child is saved. It ontradicts Odoo logic! But in the onchange you may add some 'write' function, which launch check of constraints.
