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Below code is asset inherited class . Here i will add **'place'** field with **'Karn/Bang/Kengeri'** and **'karn/bang/malleshwaram'** for 'Karn/Bang/Kengeri' will add 'asset_catg_id' with A and B. then for 'karn/bang/malleshwaram' with Y and Z.

Now at calander inherited class . if i select **'place'** with **'Karn/Bang/Kengeri'** then next field **'asset_catg_id'** i have to get only **A and B** drop down list. if again **'karn/bang/malleshwaram'** then i have to get only **Y,Z** options . and previous selected **'asset_catg_id'** values should get deleted . i have tried with domain filter option got **keyvalue error**

    class asset_asset(osv.osv):
_inherit = "asset.asset"
#_name = "asset_asset"
_rec_name= "folio_num"
_columns = {
'name': fields.char('Asset Name', size=64),
'place': fields.many2one('asset.parentlocation', 'Location'),
'asset_catg_id' : fields.many2one('asset.catg', 'Asset Catg Selection', select=True, required=True),}
class asset_catg(osv.Model):
_description="Define Asset Catgs"
_columns={ 'name1':fields.char('Asset Catg Names',size=64,required=True),}
class asset_parentlocation(osv.osv):
_columns = {
'location_name' : fields.char('Asset Location', required=True),
'parent_location' : fields.many2one('asset.parentlocation','Parent Location'),
def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if context is None:
context = {}
if not ids:
return []
reads =, uid, ids, ['location_name','parent_location'], context=context)
res = []
for record in reads:
name = record['location_name']
if record['parent_location']:
name = record['parent_location'][1]+' / '+name
res.append((record['id'], name))
return res
**Following code is calendar inherited class**
class calendar_event(osv.osv):
_inherit = "calendar.event"
_rec_name = 'number'
_columns = {
'number' : fields.char('Meeting ID',readonly=1),
#'place' : fields.many2one('stock.location','Substation Location',),
'place' : fields.many2one('asset.parentlocation','Substation Location',),
#'location' : fields.selection(STATUS_SELECTION,'Location', default='Board A'),
'asset_catg_id' : fields.many2one('asset.catg','Asset Catg Selection', domain="[('asset_catg_id', '=',place)]"),}


Where do youwant to apply filter? On view or field definition ?

i am okay with any. but it should work properly. i have .py code i am okay with field only

On Thursday 02 July 2015 01:46 PM, Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. wrote:
<blockquote cite="" type="cite">

Where do youwant to apply filter? On view or field definition ?

Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo about Forum Post how to do for many2one domain filter?
Best Regards,

Shridhar Ivani
Software programmer

Prasanna Technologies Pvt Ltd
Krishna Complex, M.G.Road,
Mangalore - 575003, Karnataka

(Off):  +91-824-2493009
(Fax):  +91-824-2493003

You must add 'place': fields.many2one('asset.parentlocation', 'Location'), into asset.catg model. Then it will be a simple domain : [('place','=',place)] !

where i should write domain on which field and please let me know about it

On Thursday 02 July 2015 03:23 PM, Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. wrote:
<blockquote cite="" type="cite">

You must add 'place': fields.many2one('asset.parentlocation', 'Location'), into asset.catg model. Then it will be a simple domain : [('place','=',place)] !

Serpent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.
Sent by Odoo S.A. using Odoo about Forum Post how to do for many2one domain filter?
Best Regards,

Shridhar Ivani
Software programmer

Prasanna Technologies Pvt Ltd
Krishna Complex, M.G.Road,
Mangalore - 575003, Karnataka

(Off):  +91-824-2493009
(Fax):  +91-824-2493003