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When you are creating a new report or modifying an existing one you could face that what you need to do or express in the report cannot be done using just what QWeb Report syntax offers. You may need to call some custom Python code that returns you a value to display or a list, set, tuple, dict or object to use directly on the report. Normally you need to write a function to be called from the report to use their results. How could you do that? There are so many question around this forum about this, so let me explain a little how to do it

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Those reports functions are defined in report parsers classes, that's the name that those kind of classes receive on Odoo. How could we define a report parser and tell Odoo that need to use it in a report?

A report parser is a class that need to inherit from the class and it's used to let values available to the report. Those values could be anything: objects, methods, functions, classes, packages, etc. You define those values available to the report by just overriding the __init__ method of the class and after call to the super __init__ method you need to update self.localcontext dict to add your new values that mostly are methods of the class.

A report parser is a class not attached to a model so you could write a parser, and use it for multiple reports just need to be careful about what you use it for every report.

A report parser definition, with an utility method that get the display value of a selection field and another utility to find the next value of a ir.sequence by it's code, to serve as examples:

from import report_sxw
from openerp import api, models

class example_report_parser(report_sxw.rml_parse):

def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
super(example_report_parser, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
'next_seq': self._get_next_seq,
'select_value': self._selection_value,

def _get_next_seq(self, seq_code):
code = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').next_by_code(, self.uid, seq_code)
return code

def _selection_value(self, model, name, value):
if value:
field = self.pool.get(model)._fields[name]
env = api.Environment(, self.uid, self.localcontext)
val = dict(field.get_description(env)['selection'])[value]
return self._translate(val)
return ''

To use this report parser in a Qweb Report you need to declare a new class that inherit from openerp.models.AbstractModel just to define a few class properties like:

class report_test1_parser(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.parser_test_module.report_test1'
_inherit = 'report.abstract_report'
_template = 'parser_test_module.report_test1'
_wrapped_report_class = example_report_parser


_name need to be conformed by 'report.' followed by the name of the report template defined, in this case the report template name is 'parser_test_module.report_test1'

_inherit need to be 'report.abstract_report' or a model that already it's inheriting from 'report.abstract_report'

_template need to be the name of the report template defined, in this case 'parser_test_module.report_test1' and the same used to conform the value of _name

_wrapped_report_class need to be the report parser class object defined

As said before, you could reuse report parser definitions to share functionality with multiple reports like:

class report_test2_parser(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.parser_test_module.report_test2'
_inherit = 'report.abstract_report'
_template = 'parser_test_module.report_test2'
_wrapped_report_class = example_report_parser

With this setup you need to have defined 2 report templates with the names 'parser_test_module.report_test1' and 'parser_test_module.report_test2'. Like:

<report id="report_parser_sale_test" model="sale.order" string="Report Parser Sale Test" report_type="qweb-pdf" name="parser_test_module.report_test1" menu="True"/>

<report id="report_parser_purchase_test" model="purchase.order" string="Report Parser Purchase Test" report_type="qweb-pdf" name="parser_test_module.report_test2" menu="True"/>

In both report templates you could use the functions _get_next_seq and _selection_value but not under those names, you need to use those functions using the names used to register those functions on the self.localcontext dict.

The report templates could use those functions like this:

#For the report of sale.order

<span t-esc="next_seq('sale.order')"/>
<span t-esc="select_value('sale.order','state', o.state)"/>

#For the report of purchase.order

<span t-esc="next_seq('purchase.order')"/>
<span t-esc="select_value('purchase.order','state', o.state)"/>

For now I showed you how could you define a report parser to be used on one or more report templates even when the models are differents for those templates, and as I said before you just need to be careful about what you use at every template to don't break anything in the report template. The utility functions shows how to search data in others models using what you have available at the report parser to do it

Hope this clarify how to develop report parsers to use on the QWeb report templates


Does it work for v9?


It should work because it's using the new report api with qweb

Hi Sir @Axel, why I always got an error that the _name attrbiute is invalid wherein that's the name I defines in my report? But when I remove the module name, dont have an error but the function I created is not callable.


Hi Samantha, please post your error log so I could take a look to see where is your error, also I will review your others related questions to see if I could help you

Thanks for the response Sir, that problem is already solved. Anyway, I created a new question, please refer to this link. Thanks Sir :)

Thanks Axel, its really helpful.. and especially for the newbies who are going to struggle with the report ..

Can you explain where this code should be putted?



this should be putted into a module normally as you define models and views in their respective .py and .xml files. This is a complement of the normal qweb report development that odoo will look to use it if you define it as stated in the answer extensive description


could you convert your code to odoo 10, i will be very grateful.


Best Answer

Can you please tell the directory and file structure
